Monday, May 2, 2011

The Way We Should Live

I have something from the Lord to tell you. I warn you: Don't continue living like those who don't believe. Their thoughts are worth nothing. They have no understanding, and they know nothing because they refuse to listen. So they cannot have the life that God gives. They have lost their feeling of shame and use their lives to do what is morally wrong. More and more they want to do all kinds of evil.

Ephesians 4: 17-19

When you talk, don't say anything bad. But say the good things that people need-what ever will make them grow stronger. Then what you say will be a blessing to those who hear you. And don't make the Holy Spirit sad. God gave you his Spirit as proof that you belong to Him and that He will keep you safe untill He makes you free. Never be bitter,angry, or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other the same as God forgave you through Christ.

Ephesians 4: 29-32

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